May 22, 2009

How to you heal a cut that won't heal?

I have this cut with an annoying, reoccurring pain. It's the kind you forget about until something reopens the wound that could have potentially been on it's way to healing.
It totally doesn't help when you get shit rubbed in it either. Makes it hurt more. You'd think alcohol would make it better... you know, take away the sting a little bit? However it only enhances the pain like 3x which causes potential welling of the eyes, and tears to fall.
I'll sleep it off and wake up feeling a little better because the throbbing has diminished slightly.

Upon waking up I try to remember that 'alcohol never makes anything feel better, only worse'. It always seems like a good idea until the singeing pain reminds me that it was a poor choice...but by the time I remember it's too late and the burning has begun and I can't make it stop

I have to stop going places until this shit heals.

Terrible metaphor? Maybe.

May 19, 2009

open water, open road, open heart

Oh wow I'm a college graduate. I should feel decently accomplished by this and yet, I don't.
College wasn't my dream...but I did it because well I don't know, my family wanted me to. I'm glad I finished though.

Whatevs, it's over and I have a huge portion of life to live and it's completely open from here on out.

All I know* is that I want to cut some fucking hair and travel. If I could do that in any combination for the rest of my life, i'd be content. And if "love" weaseled it's way in at some point I suppose i'd be okay with that however i'm absolutely not counting on that considering i'm not convinced it exists anymore.

I've been in one relationship and i'm 22.I don't know if this is good or bad. I mean i've had a lot of 'me time' which is awesome because that's rare once youre married and tied down. I don't know how I exactly feel about being single all the time. Everytime I look around I see a damn couple and they're happy and stupidly adorable together and it's depressing.
Then I think, fuck it I don't need somebody else to make me happy. And then again it's so nice to just have someone there knowing you can count on them when all else fails.

My standards are high and yet i'm not hard to please.
Ugh, I'm just happy I don't settle because that's pathetic and weak.
I just can't seem to figure out how and why people find new relationships a few months after their last. I'm going on 2 years since my last, so clearly I don't like to jump into anything.

I'm just wondering-where is everyone? Why are you so hard to find?

*all I know is 3 separate words and not allsiknow. there is no plural!

May 10, 2009

Read and Consider this.

So you're the fucking tin man?
If you only had a heart.
Your eyes are rusted shut
Too caught up in yourself to start letting down your guard, or trying to discard your insulation.
You got fired before you could retire or hand in your resignation.

You better shed your skin, man, or this is going to get more frustrating.
Inhale, exhale, repeat.
But you're still asphyxiating.