May 22, 2009

How to you heal a cut that won't heal?

I have this cut with an annoying, reoccurring pain. It's the kind you forget about until something reopens the wound that could have potentially been on it's way to healing.
It totally doesn't help when you get shit rubbed in it either. Makes it hurt more. You'd think alcohol would make it better... you know, take away the sting a little bit? However it only enhances the pain like 3x which causes potential welling of the eyes, and tears to fall.
I'll sleep it off and wake up feeling a little better because the throbbing has diminished slightly.

Upon waking up I try to remember that 'alcohol never makes anything feel better, only worse'. It always seems like a good idea until the singeing pain reminds me that it was a poor choice...but by the time I remember it's too late and the burning has begun and I can't make it stop

I have to stop going places until this shit heals.

Terrible metaphor? Maybe.

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